The KatKin Guide To An At-Home MOT
To keep track of your cat or kitten’s health, you need to be proactive and give them at-home MOTs between vet visits. Here's our in-house vet team to tell you how to check your cat's health.
To keep track of your cat or kitten’s health, you need to be proactive and give them at-home MOTs between vet visits. Here's our in-house vet team to tell you how to check your cat's health.
Dr Caity Venniker, KatKin Veterinary Consultant As a vet, bringing up the topic of a cat’s weight can often be a daunting task. Any suggestion that Felix or Fluffy may be a little too round around the edges is often met with an awkward shrug or an uncomfortable silence! However, obesity is considered to be the primary nutritional disorder of cats in the western world, and comes with many dangerous consequences
Hairless cats can be a controversial topic to many cat parents. A neutral standpoint on these not so furry felines is rare, with one team seemingly oblivious to their charms, and the other full of admiration for their striking looks and regal features
The ancestral diet (aka meat) is the best way to keep your cat happy and healthy. Learn why with KatKin.
How To Manage A Multi-Cat Household If you imagine a very basic scale assessing how sociable different species are, on the reclusive end we have polar bears and sloths taking secluded walks; and on the other we have dolphins and bees, living in beautiful harmony. Humans and dogs are on the more friendly end of the spectrum
How to Manage the Environment and Create the Purrfect Home Some cats are much more prone to stress and anxiety than others. These differences can stem from genetics, physical wellbeing, past experiences as well as their level of socialisation and habituation
Pheromones – What, Why and How We Can Use Them In the last two articles we have looked at ways to manage stress in your cat through making changes to the environment as well as interactions between cats in a multi-cat household. Today I want to focus on a very interesting topic - the use of pheromone therapy in cats
Sterilisation is generally recommended for all cats that are not being used for breeding purposes. The advantages of sterilisation include health benefits for the individual cat, as well as helping to maintain appropriate behaviour in the home
One bonus we’ve found from the pandemic, is the extra quality time we’ve been able to spend with our cats. Many welcomed a new kitten or cat to our family and had the opportunity to settle them in properly
Unfortunately our cats can’t tell us if they aren't feeling well, so to try and help you notice and potential problems in your cat. We've put together our guide to an at home Senior Cat MOT
Pancytopenia in cats is heartbreaking to see as you may feel a little helpless. With the recent surge in the number of cases of pancytopenia, we’d like to send our heartfelt condolences to anyone whose cat may have lost their life as a result of this situation
September 28th is World Rabies Day, and we wanted to take the opportunity to talk about a disease which is all too often shrouded in ignorance; and seems to fall dangerously between medical and veterinary responsibility. It is relatively rare in humans so tends to be forgotten by the public and can also be overlooked by doctors when searching for a diagnosis