Getting To Know Dr Caity Venniker
One of the aims of KatKin is to educate cat owners about all aspects of caring for their feline companions. This is done in part through the Yarn which provides articles and blogs on an ongoing basis
One of the aims of KatKin is to educate cat owners about all aspects of caring for their feline companions. This is done in part through the Yarn which provides articles and blogs on an ongoing basis
Getting a new kitten can be exciting for any household. Since the start of the pandemic, over three million households in the UK acquired a new pet
The time may be approaching for your cat to be getting their feline equivalent of a Senior's Bus Pass. If they are getting on in years, it may be time for your vet to give them a senior cat check: an all-over MOT to find out how their health is, and if there are any early warning signs of potential problems to come
The festive season has arrived. And our cats are as destructive and chaotic as ever. But we’ve come prepared – here are our top tips to keep your cat safe and happy over the festive season.
Our cats perceive the world quite differently to us. Their senses operate with not only their own unique toolbox of anatomical equipment, but also on levels that we cannot imagine
Have you ever heard the phrase “they are fighting like cats and dogs?!” and wondered if that is actually true? Can I get a dog if I have a cat? Whilst we cannot pretend we are not biased towards cats, what we can do is put an end to the myth. In the wild, our domestic cat and dog counterparts certainly don’t get along and could be considered “natural enemies” as they are competing for the same resources
You may have heard the saying ‘cats always land on their feet’ .
Cats are generally fastidious groomers, and typically spend thirty to fifty percent of their waking day grooming themselves(1). That’s a huge amount of everyday self-care
Diabetes is a complicated condition and understanding it requires a basic knowledge of how food is metabolised within the body. As daunting as it may sound at the outset, diabetic cats can live long and happy lives if they are managed with care and consistency.
At some point in your cat's life there is a good chance they are going to be exposed to gastrointestinal worms. When your cat is infected with worms they steal nutrition and cause damage to the stomach lining
Fleas can be a real nuisance for both your and your cat, but the good news is that they can be easily treated and prevented. What is a flea? Fleas are a common small, reddish-brown parasitic insect which are likely to affect most cats at some point in their life
In honour of International Book Day, this month we acknowledge a few of the greatest literary cat lovers and their favourite feline muses. It seems that historically writers and cats have enjoyed a unique relationship – the cat offers quiet company, and the writer offers a warm lap(top) and these days even a mouse! Cats make inspiring subjects and characters